Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Tuesday 1 September 2009

There appears to be some concern that this blog is being authored by a shadow writer since I have only mentioned food once. In order to allay any fears of my autheniticity, I may add that I have now eaten two consecutive meals (and 3 of the last 5) at the meat shack, which is, of course, a misnomer, since it is actually a tent. At any rate, I’m well on my way to achieving “Norm” status at this establishment of haute cuisine. Nothing like sitting down to a chicken, chili, and pork chop dinner with 30 armed Texans. Maybe it is a little like the Salt Lick. No offense to my Texas relatives intended.

After breakfast, I got issued a field radio and had to take a one-hour class from a Private First Class on the function, care, and maintenance of the device. I found this intriguing, if not engaging, since the radio really only has two buttons- an on/volume switch and the “talk” button. The PFC is accurately nicknamed “Ricochet” due to his hyperactivity and clear ADD tendencies. Ricochet showed up 10 minutes late to give me the class, so he was forced to endure a pre-course, motivational, public tongue-lashing from his Master Sergeant.

“Ricochet, you orange-julius drinking desk jockey. Where the hell you been?”

“In the hospital, Master Sergeant. I had to get orthotics- my feet are killing me from walking on the rocks, here.”

Expletives and verbiage are removed since this is a family channel. Suffice it to say that the Master Sergeant’s prescription was for Ricochet to get to the gym, which would clearly cure his “powderpuff, x-box loving” feet of the plantar fasciitis.

I left Ricochet’s class one hour later, comfortable that I could operate, service, and maintain both buttons on my new radio.


  1. Hysterical. How ironic that you're the one making us laugh when it should be the other way around...

    Happy September 1st! Home seems one month closer now :)

    I just talked to Barb. You have a strong and wonderful wife holding down the hardened walls at home, so maintain your focus on staying safe, keeping the others alive, and writing your blog!

  2. "Nothing like sitting down to a chicken, chili, and pork chop dinner with 30 armed Texans. Maybe it is a little like the Salt Lick. No offense to my Texas relatives intended."

    HAHA!!! Why in the world would we be offended by this???

    Hope your doin' well! Keep up the blog! I love it, i've got it bookmarked... You should feel very special, you're in between UT football and TCU football home-pages...

  3. Hey Joe -- love the blog so far. Working on getting you a couple of "national" links. Should up the traffic significantly. Now if you can only figure out a way to get some advertising up, you might turn a profit on this deal.

    Stay safe and if there's something that needs done on the homefront, we're only yards away. And, as you know, my better half is a lot like those Texans.

  4. Babe, you are getting more and more technologically educated as the days roll by! Who knew war would force you to become a skyping, laptop blogging, radio-operating citizen of the 21st century!

  5. What would we do without our Texans? They appear to feature quite prominantly in your blog. Thank God someone is picking up the slack in this Country!
