Friday, September 18, 2009


18 September 2009

As part of my duties on the combat casualty research team, we were recently presented with an interesting, and quite serious, issue. Apparently, the concern exists that the combat tourniquets that the Marines are using may become somewhat weathered as combat tours wear on, potentially degrading their functionality. The Marines tend to wear them on the outside of their body armor, which makes sense, the tourniquets need to be readily accessible. The tourniquets have been working extremely well, likely saving many lives and limbs that would have been lost without this equipment and training. At this point, I should mention that I have the utmost respect and regard for United States Marines. After living in Hawaii in close proximity to the K-bay Marines and befriending many leathernecks, I firmly believe that they are dedicated, motivated, and effective. They also have a somewhat unique thought process. Unfortunately, I can’t describe their initial proposal to address the issue at this point. It would certainly have worked, and quickly, but in a uniquely Marine fashion. When I get back home next spring, please remind me to describe the proposal. I’ll buy the beer, and I promise it will make for a good night.

Everyone should be comforted to know that all parties ultimately arrived at a great solution. The right thing is being done and our warriors are being cared for in the best possible way.

Milan and Dave, I have a new insight into you guys.

God Bless the United States Marine Corps.


  1. "Semper Fi"

    Yes always faithful and focused, but sometimes one may question their methods.


  2. Dang... I hate teasers! Can't wait for the punchline.

  3. When you get home WE will buy the beers! Marines are an interesting breed aren't we. You've got us all guessing at the fix. Here's one for my grunt friends...(always fun for an air-winger to give grunts some grief). Here's their "field expedient" fix. Wear 5 tourniquets on the inside of their armor. One on each limb with the fifth around his neck. I can see it now "Bill's got a scratch on his ear, tighten the neck tourniquet quick..."

  4. Just remember you know a few peeps in the beer industry! I'm thinking we can secure your free beer for a lifetime ;)
